Scanning Laser Assaying System

Tech ID: 09-013

Inventors: Dr. Steven Ruggiero, Dr. Carol Tanner

Date added: October 20, 2020


System using laser transmission spectroscopy to obtain the size and density of nanoparticles in suspension based on wavelength-dependent light extinction.

Technology Summary

Many modern nanoparticle detection techniques rely on dynamic light scattering spectroscopy, nephelometry, spectral extinction, or flow cytometry. These techniques are limited by fixed laser wavelengths and/or analyzing light scattered at fixed angles, compromising resolution, sensitivity, and use in complex applications. Industries ranging from medical diagnostics to environmental surveying would stand to benefit from overcoming fixed angle and wavelength constraints in the current state of nanoparticle detection technology. 

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Researchers at the University of Notre Dame have developed a system utilizing broad-wavelength, pulse-laser technology to provide the size, shape, and density of organic and inorganic nanoparticles and organisms in solution. The system is compatible with reflection-mode operation for medical applications and can cover a size range of <3 to 3,000 nm. This covers a large range of objects including viruses, proteins, cells, and lipids. Additionally, the system can be configured for wavelength-dependent transmission, reflection, and fluorescence spectroscopy (analysis of sugars, fat, protein, etc.) for wavelength-dependent Laser Doppler flowmetry (blood flow measurement), and wavelength-dependent time-resolved spectroscopy of biological samples (helps describe pathways for biological processes). 

Market Advantages

•    High sensitivity and resolution – 1,000 objects/mL
•    Extensive size range – 3 nm to 3,000 nm
•    Accommodates multi-peaked particle distributions
•    Provides the length and width of rod-shaped objects
•    Can track live organism growth
•    Operates in batch mode where closely sized objects are present

Market Opportunity

•    Nano-particle studies
•    Water analysis
•    Medical diagnostics
•    Environmental Surveying
•    Pharmaceuticals
•    Particle Clustering
•    Filter efficiency


High-precision sizing of nanoparticles by laser transmission spectroscopy. 
    doi: 10.1364/AO.49.006602

 Light transmission spectroscopy in real time: a high- resolution nanoparticle analysis instrument.
   doi: 10.1364/AO.56.001908

Intellectual Property

US Patent 8,456,635
(Methods and apparatus to obtain suspended particle information)

Technology Readiness Status

TRL 4 - Lab Validation


Richard Cox
