The IDEA Center, which is part of Notre Dame Research, is the University of Notre Dame’s collaborative innovation hub dedicated to expanding the technological and societal impact of the University’s innovations. We do this by nurturing and facilitating the movement of the best ideas of faculty, staff, and students from discovery to commercial application.

The Center provides the necessary space, services, and expertise for idea development, commercialization, business formation, prototyping, entrepreneurial education, and student entrepreneurial efforts.

The Center is open to any University researcher and student with an idea they want to commercialize.

Our Mission

Unlock Discoveries. Fuel Genius. Advance the Common Good.

Our Vision

The IDEA Center will become a world leader for impactful and inclusive economic transformation through innovative, mission-driven commercialization, entrepreneurship, and education.

Our Values

The IDEA Center incorporates the following values into every facet of its operations:

  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Relationships
  • Creativity
  • Fun
  • Failing-Forward
  • Thoroughness

Engagement Opportunities

Idea Ctr Web

Commercialization Engine

Transforms the innovations of University researchers into market applications

Innovation Park 2

Innovation Park

Empowers entrepreneurs to build great businesses by providing world-class office space designed to spark productive collisions and creativity

Student Entrepreneurship About Idea Center 2021

Student Entrepreneurship

Provides opportunities for students to turn their ideas into businesses and learn about entrepreneurship

Idea Research

Lean Canvas

Takes University innovations and changes them into market-validated technologies ready for launch

Innovation Lab 2021

Innovation Lab

Offers state-of-the-art manufacturing tools and resources for the development of products and prototypes for ventures of all kinds

Commercialization Engine Funding 2021

Commercialization Engine Funding

Accelerates the advancement of University innovations by fueling them with milestone-based funding