Deuterated nitro benzothiazinones, nitro benzamides and related applications

Tech ID: 19-047

Inventor: Dr. Marvin Miller

Date Added: October 19, 2020


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New nitro benzthiazinone anti-tuberculosis agents that reduce treatment duration and provide better efficacy

Technology Summary

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death, killing about 1.5 million people worldwide annually. Among the infected population, 5-10% develop active TB disease during their lifetime, resulting in 1 new active TB case every 3.5 seconds worldwide. Treatment of active TB requires the use of multi-drug therapy over 6-30 months and success is declining due to the emergence of drug-resistant strains of TB. Therefore, there is a need for new anti-TB drugs.

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame have developed a new group of anti-TB agents, a series of nitro benzothiazinone and nitrobenzamide compounds in which carbon hydrogen bonds have been replaced with isotopic carbon-deuterium bonds. The deuterated forms extend the half-life of the active component, increasing the efficacy of the drug, potentially decreasing the required dose and treatment duration.

Market Advantages

  • Longer half-life of the active component will reduce effective dosage
  • Short treatment duration will potentially increase patient compliance

Market Opportunity

  • TB treatment market represents $916M (2016), growing at 5.2% annually

Technology Readiness Level

TRL 2 – Technology Concept and/or Application Formulated

Intellectual Property Status

PCT Application Filed




Richard Cox
