Maxim Manyak, Finance and Pre-professional Health '23 | Pediatric Pep Talk (B2C Digital/Apps)


Describe your company: Pediatric Pep Talk is an app-based platform that is in the business of connecting children’s hospitals, and the chronically ill patients and families they serve, with athletes across the country, allowing these patients to virtually join a team no matter where they find themselves.

Our mission is to change the lives of children with critical illnesses, their families, and their treatment teams, one smile at a time. This is Pediatric Pep Talk, where a smile a day keeps the doctor away.

Target Industry: Healthcare

What is your role in the company, and please list team members' names and their current role in the company: Sole member as of now.

Why did you apply to Race To Revenue? What are you hoping to get out of this experience? I applied because this is a great opportunity to dedicate the time needed to truly utilize the resources. With the expertise that the IDEA Center has to offer I can finally get my app off the ground and spread Pediatric Pep Talk to other schools and hospitals across the country.

Has there been someone who has helped you with your venture so far? I had great help from Collin Stoecker and Jill Dilorio.

What do you want to learn more about, relating to business development in general or your own company/venture specifically? Tech support and building/managing an app. I am also interested in learning about the world of nonprofits and the changing landscape of healthcare.

Fun fact: I play on the ND Lacrosse Team.