Sean Quigley '26 | Computer Science


Why did you apply to work for Race To Revenue? What are you hoping to get out of this experience? I applied to Race to Revenue for the chance to learn about the early steps of starting a company. I hope to gain insights into various aspects of entrepreneurship, such as idea generation, market research, business planning, product development, marketing, and more. I also hope to utilize this opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals, mentors, and industry professionals who can provide guidance and support. By combining my technical skills with the knowledge and skills I'll gain from Race to Revenue, I hope to be well-equipped to pursue my own entrepreneurial ventures. Whether it's starting my own company or joining a startup, I'll better understand the processes and challenges involved, which will increase my chances of success.

When is a time you failed forward? I held onto a rope behind a boat a few years ago, preparing to slalom ski for the first time. On the first go, I literally failed forward, whacking my face and lodging water up my nostrils. The boat came back around, passed me the rope, and I gave it another go. Again, a face-plant. Then again and again. Eventually, though, I started to get familiar with the body mechanics and graduated to standing momentarily before wiping out. Little by little, I adjusted until I was fully skiing. This somewhat inconsequential story represents how I seek to live my life and face challenges. I am often presented with new things that involve a learning curve and/or more experience. But rather than allowing my initial lack of understanding to squander action, I let it motivate me to keep on keeping on.

Where were you born? What is an interesting fact about your hometown? Bellevue, Washington. Bellevue is a hub for many thriving tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Bungie, Valve, and T-Mobile.

Would you rather go back in time or be transported to the future? Travel back in time to find the answers to long-held questions and mysteries and observe how evolution and humanity progressed through time.

Who is the fictional character you have the most in common with, and why? Scooby Doo because he strives to uphold his team's morale and utilizes his goofiness to do so. Scooby can also eat egregious amounts of food like me.

Lastly, what do you want to learn more about, relating to business development in general or your own company/venture specifically? I wanted to use this internship opportunity to learn about market research, lead generation, relationship building, strategic partnerships, sales and negotiation, product and service development, strategic planning, effective management and leadership, competitive analysis, and much more. I want to apply These non-technical and technical skills in my toolbox to my future ventures.

Fun Fact about you: My last name Quigley is slang for when a sniper kills two targets with a single bullet. "Oh wow, he just hit a Quigley'"