Messaging Terms

IDEA Center Mobile Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: 7/1/23

IDEA Center Alerts

Opt-in to receive the latest news and events from the IDEA Center at Notre Dame! Text IDEA to 59578. Message frequency varies.  Message and data rates may apply.
By opting in to this service, you consent to receive mobile text alerts using an automatic telephone dialing system. Consent to receive marketing text messages is not required as a condition of purchasing any goods or services.
By signing up, you are confirming you are over the age of 13.

STOP Information

Text STOP to 59578 to stop receiving IDEA Center Alerts messages from IDEA Center.

HELP Information

For additional information, text HELP to 59578

Supported carriers are:

AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile®, Verizon Wireless, Boost, Cricket, MetroPCS, U.S. Cellular, Virgin Mobile, Google Voice, ACS Wireless, Advantage Cellular (DTC Wireless), Appalachian Wireless, Atlantic Tele-Network International (ATN), Bandwidth, Bluegrass Cellular, Buffalo Wireless, CableVision, Carolina West Wireless, Cellcom, Copper Valley, C-Spire Wireless (formerly Cellsouth), Cellular One of East Central Illinois, Chariton Valley Cellular, Cross (dba Sprocket), Duet IP, Element Mobile, EpicTouch, GCI Communications, Golden State, Hawkeye (Chat Mobility), Hawkeye (NW Missouri Cellular), i Wireless (IOWA Wireless), Illinois Valley Cellular, Immix (Keystone Wireless / PC Management), Inland Cellular, Mobi PCS (Coral Wireless LLC), Mosaic, MTA Communications, MTPCS / Cellular One (Cellone Nation), Nex-Tech Wireless, Panhandle Telecommunications, Peoples Wireless, Pine Belt Wireless, Pine Cellular, Pioneer, Plateau, Revol Wireless, RINA, SI Wireless/Mobile Nation, SouthernLinc, SRT Wireless, Thumb Cellular, Union Wireless, United, Viaero Wireless, West Central Wireless, Leaco, Nemont/Sagebrush. T-Mobile is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

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