
NameImage UploadFounder(s)Contact EmailYear LaunchedStartup CategoriesStartup TypePosting DateWebsiteOverviewActive
Game Changer/assets/433138/fullsize/gamechanger_logo.pngDavid Jaeckeldave@sengoproducts.com2019Manufacturing
  • Community develops eco-friendly solutions for the sports and entertainment industry. Our GameChanger™ product line helps the industry improve customer retention, increase revenue generation, and enables environmental compliance.true
Gather/assets/433174/fullsize/gather_logo.pngEric Niehauseric.n@meetkoin.com2021SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • Student
 https://www.comegather.appSolves the problem of Catholics being disconnected and missing out on manifold relationships, despite being so close to each other. It does this in the form of an app that gets all local Catholics on board and then lets them create or join interest-based groups that host in-person events, whether happy hours or holy hours.true
General Ledger/assets/433206/fullsize/general_ledger.pngJoel Florekjoel@getledgers.com2018SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • Community
 SaaS Bookkeeping solution for Small to Midsize Property Managers 
Generis/assets/433128/fullsize/generis_logo.pngLindsey Brassingtonlindsey@generisapp.com2019Healthtech
  • Alumni is a personalized wellness platform powered by DNA. We're on a mission to empower millions to improve their lives by understanding their DNA. Launching first as an iOS app, GENERIS offers personalized food, activity and supplement plans to help users meet their goals.true
Gigil/assets/433200/fullsize/gigil.pngMarissa KoscielskiMarissa.C.Koscielski.4@nd.edu2017Healthtech
  • Student
 At home shot administrator 
GittaSitta/assets/433140/fullsize/gittasitta_logo.pngLilian Pizlpiz@nd.edu2020SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • Student is an app that allows parents to seamlessly organize and schedule their babysitting contacts. GittaSitta removes the hassle of the constant back-and-forth waiting game associated with coordinating a babysitter (especially at the last minute). With GittaSitta, parents can rank-order a list of possible sitters, specify the date, time, and preferred pay rate, and send out the request.   true
GiveBee/assets/433132/fullsize/givebee_logo.pngHoracio Lopezhlopez1@nd.edu2017SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • Student is a web and mobile app that allows local restaurants and marketing agencies to collect user-generated content directly from customers and restaurant staff. Our mobile app guides customers and restaurant staff towards creating the desired content through past examples and tips for improving photo & video quality created on a mobile phone. Once these micro-creators submit their content, local restaurants and agency admins can view and reward the content with cash or rewards points so that the photos or videos can be repurposed for social accounts, advertisements, and more. By crowdsourcing content curation and rewarding it, local restaurants increase the quality of their social content, create super fan customers, and lower the cost of their monthly marketing investments. 
Harbor/assets/433169/fullsize/harbor.pngMartin Fordmartin@martinford.com2021LOHAS and wellness
  • Student young Catholics to discern God’s personal callings for their lives through establishing live-in houses of intentional discernment and co-working spaces.true
helloFROM/assets/433137/fullsize/hellofrom_logo.pngRyan Biggsrbiggs3@nd.edu2021Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Student connections are vital to our mental and emotional well-being, but the current leading way of expressing gratitude through greeting cards is a frustrating experience resulting in wasted time and mental fatigue. HelloFrom is a revolutionary platform that uses machine learning to automatically understand the intimacy level of a relationship, and curate personalized cards that are sent to you when momentous occasions occur. Through this rich tactile experience enabled through digital simplicity, we are excited to reaffirm relationships and strengthen community.true
Honey's Balm/assets/433203/fullsize/honey_s_balm.pngGraeme Whitegwhite3@nd.edu2019Manufacturing
  • Student
 Lip balm made from local honey that provides immunity to local allergens